Friday, June 20, 2008

E.S. Easton Analyzes

Here is my analysis of last show. Let me just be the first to pat myself on the back and say, I WAS RIGHT ALONG!

What was it I said? Brains will always overcome brawn. Ace Darling walked away with the titles! Actually, he ran away with the titles, but still...possession is nine tenths of the law!!! Glen Osbourne may have "won the battle", but Ace won the war! As far as I'm concerned, he's the undisputed champeen!!! And until Glen can get those belts back, it's gonna stay that way...Ace is quicker!

Now, onto the Logans...yes, they are still the ECWA Tag Team Champions...yes, they are a great tag team, and are one of the best teams to have ever graced an ECWA ring. HOWEVER the fact remains that they had to cheat to beat the Nigerians. The Nigerian Nightmares were pummeling the Logan Brothers from pillar to ring post, and sure enough, the Logans cheated to win. You know, there is just one thing that really tweaks my melon, and that's a cheater! I, E.S. Easton DO NOT and NEVER HAVE condoned cheating. It is unethical, unfathomable and for crying out loud inappropriate!!

Besides, I lost A LOT of money on that match!! Matt and Bryan Logan are a pair of jerks!

And speaking of jerk, Freak Nastty is returning in July...whoopdy doo!! Well, I have actually solved the so called "mystery" of the alleged attacker. Mr. Wright is WRONG. Sean Royal is NOT the attacker. Nor is it his partner, Danny Eckos...or Danny's brother Rob, or Rob's partner, Billy. Or Ted, Alice, Bob and Carol for that matter! It wasn't anyone on the roster or anyone affiliated with the ECWA front offices. It wasn't even a fan for that matter.

Confused? I know what I said last month, but I've had a chance to study all of the evidence now, and now I FINALLY KNOW what happened. Freak Nastty wasn't even attacked!!! You heard it here first! He's a liar! HE WAS NEVER ATTACKED! He simply slipped and fell, just like Mr. Ooh La La, but rather own up to it, he simply went with the story that he was attacked, rather than own up to the simple truth that the part owner of the ECWA is a KLUTZ!!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

- E.S. Easton

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